(Coracina tenuirostris)

The Cicadabird  is a member of the Campephagidae family, also known as cuckooshrikes. The Cicadabird is found in various parts of Australia and other countries in the Australasian region.


As the name suggests, the primary diet of the Cicadabird consists of insects, particularly cicadas. They are skilled hunters and can catch insects in mid-air or by gleaning them from vegetation. In addition to cicadas, they also feed on other insects, including beetles, bugs, grasshoppers, and other small arthropods.


Cicadabirds are known for their distinctive call, which sounds like the buzzing of cicadas, and they may have different regional variations of their vocalizations. They are often observed foraging in the forest canopy, where they use their agile flight and sharp vision to catch insects.

The Cicadabird’s small size and insectivorous nature make it an essential part of the ecosystem, contributing to the overall balance of insect populations in the areas where they reside.

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