(Nettapus pulchellus)

The Green Pygmy Goose is a small, colorful duck species found in Australia. it is found primarily in the northern and eastern parts of Australia, including Queensland, the Northern Territory, and parts of Western Australia. This species is typically found in tropical and subtropical regions,inhabiting a range of wetland habitats such as billabongs, swamps, lagoons, and slow-moving rivers.


It is one of the world’s smallest duck species, measuring only about 33-38 cm in length. It is aptly named “pygmy” due to its diminutive size.


The male Green Pygmy Goose is known for its striking and vibrant coloration. It has a glossy, greenish-black head, neck, breast band and upper body parts which contrast with his white cheeks. His lower body has beautiful black and white banded, scalloped, plumage.

The female is more subdued in color, with a mostly brown body.


Green Pygmy Geese are known for their unusual breeding behavior. They often nest in tree hollows, usually high above water, similar to the Radjah Shelduck. This is quite distinctive for a waterfowl species and sets them apart from many other duck species.


These ducks are considered partially migratory or nomadic. They are known to move in search of suitable breeding and feeding habitats, and their movements can be influenced by changes in water levels.


Green Pygmy Geese are typically found in a variety of wetland habitats, including freshwater lakes, swamps, billabongs, and slow-moving water bodies. They are especially fond of areas with aquatic vegetation.


Their diet consists primarily of aquatic plants, including various seeds, fruits, and aquatic vegetation. They are also known to feed on insects and small invertebrates.


Green Pygmy Geese are often seen in pairs or small groups, and they can sometimes gather in larger flocks during the non-breeding season.

Although the species is currently listed as least concern in terms of conservation status, habitat loss and degradation due to factors like urban development, agriculture, and water management practices could potentially impact their populations.

Due to its striking coloration and unique behavior, the Green Pygmy Goose is a sought-after subject for birdwatchers, bird photographers, and nature enthusiasts.

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