Australia’s Old World Orioles, the   Olive-backed Oriole, the Green Oriole and the Australasian Figbird and known scientifically as the genus Oriolus. Their melodious calls and striking plumage make them a delightful sight for birdwatchers and nature lovers alike.


In the context of conservation, the Old World Orioles are not currently considered to be under significant threat. However, they are still affected by the loss of habitat due to land clearing and the encroachment of urban development. It’s important to maintain and protect the natural environments that these birds, and many other species, call home.

Each of these species contributes to the rich tapestry of Australian birdlife. They play vital roles in their ecosystems, particularly in seed dispersal and controlling insect populations. Their presence is a joy to those who observe them, and their conservation is crucial for maintaining the ecological balance.

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