(Falco longipennis),

The Australian Hobby is a small to medium-sized falcon found in various habitats across Australia. It prefers open woodlands, grasslands, and coastal regions. It is a member of the falcon family Falconidae. It is closely related to other falcons found around the world and shares similar behaviors and characteristics.


This falcon has a distinctive appearance with slate-grey upperparts and a finely barred underbelly. It has a white throat, dark-streaked chest, and a rust-colored patch on its thighs.


The Australian Hobby is an agile and fast-flying bird of prey known for its remarkable hunting skills. It preys on small birds, mammals, and insects. Its hunting technique involves rapid, acrobatic flight maneuvers to capture its prey in mid-air.


These falcons typically nest in tree hollows or on cliff ledges. They may also use abandoned nests of other birds. Their breeding season varies depending on the location, but it generally occurs during spring and summer.


The Australian Hobby is considered a partial migrant, meaning that some individuals migrate while others remain in their territories year-round. The degree of migration can vary depending on factors like food availability and climate.

 Preserving suitable nesting sites and minimizing human disturbance in critical areas are important steps in their conservation.

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