(Dasycercus cristicauda)


The Crest-tailed mulgara is a small, carnivorous marsupial, typically measuring about 12 to 22 centimetres in body length, with a tail adding an additional 8 to 13 centimetres. It has a stocky build, with soft, sandy-coloured fur that blends beautifully into its desert surroundings. The most distinctive feature is its tail, which is thick and bushy with a crest of black hairs, hence its name.


This resilient little animal is found across the central deserts of Australia, including regions of the Northern Territory, South Australia, and Western Australia. It thrives in sandy deserts, spinifex grasslands, and areas with loose soil where it can dig burrows for shelter.


The Crest-tailed mulgara is a nocturnal hunter, feasting on a diet of insects, small vertebrates, and occasionally plant material. Its diet includes beetles, spiders, and even small reptiles. It has a remarkable ability to survive without direct water intake, obtaining moisture from its prey. The Crest-tailed mulgara has an extraordinary ability to store fat in its tail, which serves as an energy reserve during times of food scarcity.

Mulgaras are primarily solitary creatures, coming together only for breeding which usually occurs in the cooler months, from May to September. Females give birth to litters of up to six young after a gestation period of about 30 days. The joeys are born tiny and underdeveloped, spending the first few weeks of life securely attached to the mother’s teats in her pouch. As they grow, they move to a nest until they’re ready to face the world on their own.


Crest-tailed mulgaras can live up to five years, though life expectancy is often shorter due to predation and environmental challenges.


The Crest-tailed mulgara is currently listed as “Near Threatened” on the IUCN Red List. Its population is affected by habitat degradation, predation by introduced species like cats and foxes, and changes in fire regimes. Conservation efforts are focused on habitat protection and managing invasive species.


While not particularly vocal, mulgaras can make a series of soft, squeaky sounds, especially when threatened or during interactions with other mulgaras.


The Crest-tailed mulgara is a testament to the remarkable adaptability of life in the Australian desert. Its survival strategies and unique characteristics highlight the delicate balance of Australia’s ecosystems and the importance of conservation efforts to preserve such unique species.

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