Ocyphaps lophotes


The Crested Pigeon is a medium-sized pigeon known for its distinctive appearance, characterized by a prominent crest on its head.

The most notable feature of the Crested Pigeon is its unique crest, which consists of a series of elongated feathers that form a fan-like shape on the top of its head. The crest is often held erect and can be raised or lowered by the bird to communicate its mood. The rest of the bird’s plumage is mainly grEy with some subtle patterns and a pinkish-red ring around the eye.


Crested Pigeons are typically around 30-35 cm in length, including their tail.


They are endemic to Australia and can be found across most of the continent, except for some of the more arid and remote regions.


Crested Pigeons are versatile birds and can be found in a variety of habitats, including open woodlands, grasslands, farmlands, and urban areas. They are often seen in gardens and parks.


Crested Pigeons are known for their distinctive and loud whistling calls, which they use for communication. They are also known for their unique courtship displays, which involve puffing up their crests and strutting in front of potential mates. They feed on seeds, grains, and other plant material and are often seen foraging on the ground.


They typically build a flimsy nest of twigs and grass in trees or shrubs. The female usually lays two eggs, and both parents take turns incubating the eggs and caring for the chicks.


They have adapted well to human-altered environments and are commonly encountered in urban and suburban areas.


Crested Pigeons are charming and distinctive birds that are easily recognizable by their crests and calls. They are a common sight in many parts of Australia and add to the country’s rich avian diversity.

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