Geopelia placida)

Peaceful Doves are a small and attractive species of dove known for their gentle nature. They may be found in various habitats across the Australian continent, including open woodlands, grasslands, savannas, and coastal regions.

Peaceful Doves are small birds, measuring about 19-21 cm in length. They have a predominantly greyish-brown plumage with a slightly pinkish tinge on the chest. The wings display distinctive black barring, which becomes more pronounced towards the tail. Their eyes are surrounded by a distinctive blue ring, and they have a red patch around the eye. The bill is slender and black, and the legs are pinkish-red.


Peaceful Doves are highly adaptable and can be found in a variety of habitats, including arid and semi-arid regions, as well as more lush, coastal areas. They are often seen in open woodlands, grassy areas, farmlands, and gardens.


These doves are known for their peaceful and sociable nature. They are often seen in small flocks or pairs. They have a soft, cooing call that is melodious and repetitive. The call is often likened to the phrase “work harder.”

 They forage for seeds and grains on the ground and are also known to feed on fallen seeds from grasses and other plants.


Breeding season for Peaceful Doves typically occurs during the warmer months, from spring to early autumn. They construct flimsy nests in trees or shrubs, using twigs and grass. The female usually lays two white eggs, and both parents share the incubation and chick-rearing duties.


Peaceful Doves are endemic to Australia and can be found across most parts of the continent, excluding the more arid regions of central Australia.


Observing Peaceful Doves in the wild can be a delightful experience for birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts due to their charming appearance and soothing calls. Remember to respect their habitats and observe them from a respectful distance to avoid disturbing these peaceful birds.

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