Dicrurus bracteatus

The Spangled drongo belongs to the family Dicruridae

The Spangled drongo belongs to the family Dicruridae. It is the only drongo to be found in Australia, and it is known for its striking appearance and distinctive behaviors


 The Spangled drongo is a medium-sized bird with glossy black plumage. It has striking bright red eyes, which contrast with its dark feathers. One of the most distinctive features is the presence of iridescent spots or “spangles” on its wings, which give the bird its name.


Spangled drongos are highly skilled flyers and are known for their aerial acrobatics. They are also known to mimic the calls of other birds and animals, making a variety of sounds. This mimicry is thought to be a way to deceive other birds or potential predators.


These birds are primarily insectivorous, and they feed on a variety of insects and other small invertebrates. They catch their prey in flight or by perching and making short sallies to capture insects.


Spangled drongos are adaptable birds and can be found in a range of habitats, including rainforests, woodlands, and gardens. They are often seen perched on branches or wires, from where they can hunt for insects.


Spangled drongos build cup-shaped nests in trees, usually using twigs, grass, and other plant materials. They lay eggs in these nests, and both parents typically share the responsibility of incubating the eggs and caring for the young.


The unsuccessful racehorse Drongo was named after the bird, which led to the Australian slang insult “drongo” meaning “idiot”.

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