Pardalotus punctatus

The Spotted Pardalote is a small bird measuring about 9 to 11 cm in length. It has a colorful plumage with a yellow forehead, a black mask extending from the eyes to the neck, and a red or pink spot on its throat. The upperparts are olive-green with white spots, while the underparts are pale yellow.


It is native to Australia and is found in various habitats, including woodlands, forests, and gardens. It is widely distributed across the mainland of Australia and is also found in Tasmania.


These birds have a high-pitched, tinkling call that can be heard during their breeding season. They feed primarily on insects, spiders, and their larvae, which they find by gleaning foliage or by hovering to catch insects in the air.


Spotted Pardalotes are known for their distinctive nesting habits. They are cavity nesters and typically excavate tunnels in earthen banks, including roadside cuttings, riverbanks, and eroded slopes. The nest tunnel can be up to a meter long and ends in a small chamber where the female lays her eggs. The female alone incubates the eggs and is often fed by the male during this period.

Local populations face challenges due to habitat loss and fragmentation caused by land clearing and urbanization.

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