The Varied Triller (Lalage leucomela) and the White-winged Triller (Lalage tricolor) are two bird species from the same genus (Lalage) and are similar in appearance, but they can be distinguished by certain characteristics:

  1. Plumage coloration: While both species have predominantly black plumage, the Varied Triller has a more uniform black coloration on its back, wings, and head. Its underparts are white, and it lacks the distinct white wing patches seen in the White-winged Triller. On the other hand, the White-winged Triller has a white wing patch that stands out prominently against its black plumage.

  2. Distribution: The two species have slightly different distributions in Australia. The Varied Triller is found in various parts of eastern and northern Australia, including coastal regions and rainforests. The White-winged Triller, as previously mentioned, is found in various parts of Australia, but its range extends more widely across the country, including woodlands and open habitats.

  3. Vocalizations: While both species are known for their melodious songs, they may have slightly different vocalizations. Birdwatchers and ornithologists often use vocalizations to help distinguish between closely related species.

  4. Size and proportions: Although both are small birds, there may be subtle differences in size and proportions between the two species that experienced birdwatchers can identify.

It is important to note that distinguishing between these two species can sometimes be challenging, especially in the field or without proper observation equipment. Birdwatchers and ornithologists often rely on multiple characteristics, including plumage, vocalizations, distribution, and behavior, to accurately identify bird species.

The White-winged Triller is a small bird with a striking appearance. It has  a black head, white wing patches, and a black and white pattern on its body. The male and female may have slightly different plumage.

This bird is found in various parts of Australia, including woodlands, forests, and open scrublands. It is an insectivorous bird, feeding on insects, spiders, and other small invertebrates. It is often observed foraging in the canopy or mid-story of trees, where it catches insects on the wing or gleans them from foliage.

The White-winged Triller is known for its sweet and melodious song, which consists of a series of whistles and trills. Its vocalizations add to the soundscape of the Australian bush during the breeding season.

The Varied Triller is a small bird with predominantly black plumage and a white belly. The male and female may have slight differences in appearance. It is found in various parts of Australia, including woodlands, forests, and open habitats. It is an insectivorous bird, feeding on insects, spiders, and other small invertebrates. Like other cuckooshrikes, the Varied Triller is an active and agile forager, often catching insects on the wing or gleaning them from foliage.


The Varied Triller is known for its varied and melodious song, consisting of a series of musical whistles and trills. Its vocalizations add to the avian chorus of the Australian bush during the breeding season.

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